The Foundation, lead by Chairman of the Board of Trustees Fuad El-HIbri, is divided into four different initiatives: The Peace Education Initiative, The Interfaith Dialogue Initiative, The Humanitarian Aid Initiative, and The Social Justice Initiative.
The Peace Education Initiative focuses on conflict resolution, embracing cultural diversity, and supporting cross-cultural approaches to peace-building. The Interfaith Dialogue Initiative focuses on supporting understanding between the three Abrahamic faiths: Islam, Judaism and Christianity. The Humanitarian Aid Initiative provides grants to organizations that aim at delivering education and medical care to the disadvantaged. The last of the four initiatives is the Social Justice Initiative. The Social Justice Initiative addresses issues of equality, justice and human rights, especially for women and children.
The El-Hibri Foundation promotes these four initiatives through the provision of grants. Since its creation in 2001, the Foundation has given away 36 grants totaling over 8.2 million dollars.
For more information on the El-Hibri Foundation visit their website: